concept, character design, art direction, animation
I developed this animated video for energy company AVACON Natur to explain their plans for helping SMEs become carbon-neutral, intended for use online and at trade fairs.
The animation shows the advantages of working with AVACON to become carbon neutral in a clear and exciting way, and is intended to encourage customers to seek out climate-friendly solutions.
2189. NeoBerlin is an augmented reality comic that was created during my Master’s at AKV St. Joost. NeoBerlin is an augmented reality adventure comic set in a dystopian future.
In the year 2189, humanity is struck by a severe outbreak of mental illness. As a result, pharmaceutical companies become more powerful and establish themselves as the secret rulers of society. They poison the people, turning the population into mindless workers to support their evil intentions.
After a war breaks out and pollution skyrockets, all cities are built on concrete pillars that reach into the sky. The cities are bursting at the seams and overpopulation directly contributes to the spread of depression and disease. In the city of NeoBerlin, a passionate scientist and loving mother invents a device to prevent her children’s mental health from deteriorating. Her invention leads to negative attention from the state, and she and her family are hunted down as enemies of the nation.
Es beginnt alles mit einer Idee. Vielleicht willst du ein Unternehmen gründen. Vielleicht möchtest du ein Hobby in etwas Größeres verwandeln. Oder vielleicht hast du ein kreatives Projekt, das du mit der Welt teilen möchtest. Was auch immer es ist – die Art und Weise, wie du deine Geschichte online vermittelst, kann einen gewaltigen Unterschied ausmachen.
concept / character design / art direction / animation
concept / character design / art direction / animation